woensdag 23 maart 2011


What kinds of narrative techniques exist in conveying the idea that the individual's interpretation of reality becomes fragmented due to the increasing presence of technologically mediated representations of reality and the increasing role it plays in their lives?

Does the individual's interpretation of reality become fragmented due to the increasing presence of technologically mediated representations of reality?

Interpretation of reality = measured in cognitive maps or mental models: a representation of external reality or explanation of someone's thought process about how something works in the real world.

My vision of reality
Reality is dependent on interpretation. It is constructed as the mind tries to understand its own particular and personal reality. Reality only comes into being through our interpretations of what the world means to us individually. What appears to us is a multitude of overlapping and conflicting perspectives. There is not one true reality. We can only experience reality fragmentary. The increasing presence and the increasing role technologically mediated representations of reality play in our lives increases the fragmentary experience of reality.

Fragmentation = the end of (hi)story, no single metanarrative can explain social reality as a whole. Rhizome, the opposite of the metaphor 'the tree of knowledge' indicating that knowledge has been organized by systematic and hierarchical principles, is a model of non-hierarchical lines that connect with others in random, unregulated relationships.

Narrative techniques

surface appearance
decentring of the subject
metafiction or hypermediacy (self referentiality/reflexivity)

stream of consciousness

Technologically mediated representations:
simulations (causing hyperreality)
overwhelming flux of images, codes and models
undermining the reference of the image to reality

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